Tinderbox v10 Icon

A Tinderbox Reference File

Update Status: aTbRef source TBX last updated: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 20:55:25 +0000 :: XML RSS 2.0 Feed RSS 2.0 Feed :: XML Atom 1.0 Feed Atom 1.0 Feed :: JSON Feed JSON 1.0 Feed.

"aTbRef" (A Tinderbox Reference) is a reference file aboutTinderbox's objects and functions, from which this website is generated since 2004. It has been written and updated by Mark Anderson, a long-time user of Tinderbox (see more) and it is offered to the Tinderbox community as a free public service. The site's content is under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA licence (see licence details); voluntary donations to help defray costs (software tools, hosting, etc.) are welcomed—see the 'donate' link at the bottom of all pages.

Current Version: v10.0.2b693 (1 Nov 2024)

Version Baseline: this aTbRef10 website is baselined on v10.0.0b684 (released 12 July 2024) and includes changes up to and including v10.0.2b693 (1 Nov 2024). To look at changes to the app over time, see other baselines, based on older versions. Also see Eastgate's version release pages and release dates of versions prior to the current baseline.

Change Log: see this section for significant per-release changes in and since the baseline release (above) for this re-release of aTbRef. In-text references to per-release changes prior to the baseline have been removed as they are now baseline features; some may remain if still pertinent to understanding the app's functioning. If a page is listed as created a version not in the Change Log, it is simply because it has been exported using a (non-public) beta build.

Quicklinks: a set of 'quicklinks' to key listings within aTbRef are at the top and bottom of every page. It includes a the sitemap which is the closest there is to an index for aTbRef, and a search page (using fuzzy search).


  • Understanding the layout of aTbRef webpages
  • Basic Configuration & Concepts
  • Coding in Tinderbox
  • User Interface Basics
  • Using Tinderbox
  • Under The Hood
  • Resources

    Is there an index for aTbRef? An auto-index would be too noisy and a human-created one would be too much effort, especially as aTbRef is updated constantly. But the aTbRef Site Map page, used with your web browser's in page Find (⌘+F) is a pretty good substitute.

    Can't find a subject? Please visit the Tinderbox User-to-User forums and ask there. If doing so it helps to know how you phrase your question and where you thought you might find the answer. Sometimes the issue is simply one of terminology/process but sometimes we find something that should and is added to aTbRef (note: 'how-to' for specific tasks is not and will not be in aTbRef: it is a reference not a tutorial). This file is supposed to go along with the existing manual & release notes (available via the app's Help menu) as well as the Tinderbox forum.

    This is not a how-to/tutorial. Although aTbRef contains some examples of use, it is not, by design, a 'how-to' resource. 'how-to' questions are best addressed by the Tinderbox forum. Its main aim is to serve as an "on the go" (online) as well as a personal (TBX file) reference to Tinderbox use.

    Use and re-use. This file is shared "as is", the author will not be held responsible for its content; it may be used/republished under a Creative Commons Licence.

    See also—notes linking to here: