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tstyle tag

A tstyle tag denotes a discrete run of characters using any of these basic stylings:


<tstyle font="HoeflerText-Regular" bold="0" italic="1" underline="0" start="14" size="16" height="0" ascent="0" color="#000000" />

A tag can define more than one styling if the run is the same for both - here bold and italic:

<tstyle font="HoeflerText-Regular" bold="1" italic="1" underline="0" start="151" size="16" height="0" ascent="0" color="#000000" /> 

font. Name of font to use for the run.

bold. Number zero or one. '1' means this attribute is used in the run.

italic. Number zero or one. '1' means this attribute is used in the run.

underline. Number zero or one. '1' means this attribute is used in the run.

start. Character offset (numbering from 1) for the start of the styled run of characters.

size. Number of characters in the run.

height. Point size of characters in the run. If zero, the size is the inherited default

ascent. Normally zero. Purpose unknown.

color. The colour used characters in the run. Stored as a hash-prefixed six-digit hex code.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Tinderbox File Types : Data (TBX) Files : The v5 TBX format : tinderbox tag : (root) item tag : item tag : styles tag : tstyle tag